When moving into your new home you need to establish service with the following Utility companies:
Boston Utilities
National Grid
Gas (800) 732-3400
Electricity (800) 592-2000
Phone (800) 870-9999
Phone, Cable, Internet
(617) 279-1958
Helpful Boston Numbers
Boston City Hall
(617) 635-4000
Boston Police Department
Non Emergency
(617) 343-4200
Boston Fire Department
Non Emergency
(617) 343-3550
Emergency Storm Center
(617) 635-3050
Poison Control and Prevention
(800) 222-1222
Animal Control (Dog Licenses)
(617) 635-5348
We recommend you reserve a parking spot for your moving truck by going to City of Boston Website
If you live in Boston and your car is registered in Massachusetts you can get a resident permit parking sticker to park on the street.
For more information please contact Cabot & Company at (617) 262-6200