As we are moving past this mild Winter and quickly approaching Spring, many of you are in the green thumb mode and in need to re-amp or add to your indoor vegetation. Maybe you once had an indoor plant and you noticed within the week that it turned into a bone-dry, wilted mess. Or maybe you’ve never owned an indoor plant because you aren’t sure if you can keep it alive. Don’t beat yourself up! Like a pet, knowing the care for your houseplants starts with finding the right one for you and your schedule. You may need an indoor plant that can live through your busy work schedule or a houseplant that can survive a week while you are on vacation, greeting you when you get home. Here are a few plants that are low maintenance and that can instantly add vibrancy and color to your living space.
1) Spider Plant
This plant thrives in the sun/well-lit areas. Water every 2-6 weeks or when the top 2-inches of soil is dry. Be careful not to over water as this can cause root rot. This plant likes temperatures between 70-85 degrees Fahrenheit.
2) Aloe Vera
This plant likes light, but not direct sunlight. Water every 1-2 weeks and maybe once every 2 months in the Winter. You want to make sure the soil is almost completely dry before re-watering. This plant likes temperatures between 50-70 degrees Fahrenheit.
3) Jade Plant "Shrek Ears"
This plant likes indirect sunlight. Like the Aloe Vera, only water this plant when the soil is almost completely dry or every 1-3 weeks. This plant likes temperatures between 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit.
4) Succulents
Succulents like lower amounts of sunlight, maybe 3 hours per day. These plants like water at least once a week. Temperatures between 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit is the best for this houseplant.
5) Dragon Tree
This tree needs very little to no sunlight. It can also thrive in filtered light conditions. 60-85 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal for this low maintenance plant. Just watch the soil of this tree and keep it moist. Needs water maybe twice per month.
Not only do houseplants add vibrancy and color to your home or apartment, but study after study shows that plants (in our living or office environment) can improve our overall well-being, making us feel better. These plants can also take out toxins from the air we breathe. We are less stressed, more productive/creative when we share our living space with a simple, low maintenance houseplant.